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Filteration & Filter Elements

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Filteration & Filter Elements

China HILCO PH620-05-C Filter Element fábrica

HILCO PH620-05-C Filter Element

HILCO’s PH Synthetic Filter Cartridges Changing from the old style, less efficient cellulose cartridges to a more efficient PH cartridge could result in an actual decrease in pressure drop. The PH cartridges ... Leia mais
2015-11-05 15:46:08
China HILCO PH530-03-CGV Filter Element fábrica

HILCO PH530-03-CGV Filter Element

HILCO’s PH Synthetic Filter Cartridges Changing from the old style, less efficient cellulose cartridges to a more efficient PH cartridge could result in an actual decrease in pressure drop. The PH cartridges ... Leia mais
2015-11-05 15:45:41
China HILCO PH518-40-CG Filter Element fábrica

HILCO PH518-40-CG Filter Element

HILCO’s PH Synthetic Filter Cartridges Changing from the old style, less efficient cellulose cartridges to a more efficient PH cartridge could result in an actual decrease in pressure drop. The PH cartridges ... Leia mais
2015-11-05 15:45:14
China HILCO PH518-14-CGV Filter Element fábrica

HILCO PH518-14-CGV Filter Element

HILCO’s PH Synthetic Filter Cartridges Changing from the old style, less efficient cellulose cartridges to a more efficient PH cartridge could result in an actual decrease in pressure drop. The PH cartridges ... Leia mais
2015-11-05 15:44:32
China HILCO PH518-12-CGV Filter Element fábrica

HILCO PH518-12-CGV Filter Element

HILCO’s PH Synthetic Filter Cartridges Changing from the old style, less efficient cellulose cartridges to a more efficient PH cartridge could result in an actual decrease in pressure drop. The PH cartridges ... Leia mais
2015-11-05 15:44:14
China HILCO PH518-10-CB Filter Element fábrica

HILCO PH518-10-CB Filter Element

HILCO’s PH Synthetic Filter Cartridges Changing from the old style, less efficient cellulose cartridges to a more efficient PH cartridge could result in an actual decrease in pressure drop. The PH cartridges ... Leia mais
2015-11-05 15:43:25
China HILCO PH518-05-CB Filter Element fábrica

HILCO PH518-05-CB Filter Element

HILCO’s PH Synthetic Filter Cartridges Changing from the old style, less efficient cellulose cartridges to a more efficient PH cartridge could result in an actual decrease in pressure drop. The PH cartridges ... Leia mais
2015-11-05 15:43:08
China HILCO PH518-03-CGV Filter Element fábrica

HILCO PH518-03-CGV Filter Element

HILCO’s PH Synthetic Filter Cartridges Changing from the old style, less efficient cellulose cartridges to a more efficient PH cartridge could result in an actual decrease in pressure drop. The PH cartridges ... Leia mais
2015-11-05 15:42:45
China HILCO PH518-01-CVSSS Filter Element fábrica

HILCO PH518-01-CVSSS Filter Element

HILCO’s PH Synthetic Filter Cartridges Changing from the old style, less efficient cellulose cartridges to a more efficient PH cartridge could result in an actual decrease in pressure drop. The PH cartridges ... Leia mais
2015-11-05 15:42:32
China HILCO PH511-12-CGV Filter Element fábrica

HILCO PH511-12-CGV Filter Element

HILCO’s PH Synthetic Filter Cartridges Changing from the old style, less efficient cellulose cartridges to a more efficient PH cartridge could result in an actual decrease in pressure drop. The PH cartridges ... Leia mais
2015-11-05 15:40:42
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